Making the energy transition the catalyzing foundation on which the regeneration of the oceans can build
Let's catalyze the transition!
Smart Island Solutions (Aruba)
From 2011 until 2017 Jan Ebbing was, as Director of TNO-Caribbean, responsible for finding answers if and how Aruba (and other Caribbean islands) can live without fossil fuels. A realistic challenge given the extreme good prospects for wind- and solar energy in the Caribbean as sources for sustainable energy. Prime Minister Mike Eman of Aruba, was in those days, very instrumental in enabling the team to have real impact.
Closure of the formally largest “Groningen” gas field of Europe
In 2018 it was decided, by minister Wiebes, to stop the gas production at the Groningen gas field in the Netherlands, in light of the increasing induced earthquakes in the Groningen area. The aim was to close the gasfield in 2024, with Jan forming and managing a gas-transition team at the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate of the Netherlands, supervised by Minister Wiebes. This team was responsible to draw the first sketches of the closure process as well as to help manage the social and economic implications, leading to the final production agreement with NAM gas-company
Wind and Storage issues on Aruba
A main challenge of wind energy on relatively small islands is the grid integration and the impact of wind on the existing grid. Even with the very good and stable wind climate of Aruba, short term wind speed fluctuations are still considerable, leading to even larger fluctuations in wind power output. Such fluctuations should be compensated, to avoid brown-outs or even black-outs within the electrical grid. TNO-Caribbean carried out a base-line study to look into the option of integrating an abandoned quarry, as a pumped hydro-store functioning as a green battery.
Hydrogen as a green fuel for ICE in heavy equipment.
As an Innovation Manager at TNO-Helmond, from 2017- 2020, Jan was co- responsible for the strategy behind the transformation of the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) testing laboratory at Helmond. It was transformed from a fossil fuel testing & developing lab-facility into an, amongst other, hydrogen testing & developing lab-facility. Resulting also in a co-developed hydrogen fuelled DAF-truck at the end of 2021.